+1-250-306-5803 Clear Water Solutions for all your Okanagan water service needs!

You Deserve The Best… and Your Home Does Too!

Because you deserve better water… and your home does too.

Did you know that our water softeners can prolong the life expectancy for many of your household appliances? Pairing them together can make not only for a happy home but a homeowner as well with lower maintenance and replacement costs.

One appliance being tankless water heaters that we are seeing more often in both new and renovated homes. Having a softener in place not only eliminates the worry of hard water corroding and damaging the internals of your new appliances but also reduces scaling and build up that can lead to failure on many others throughout the house. Not only are your appliances more efficient with a softener but they’re a lot healthier too.

For all inquiries please send us an email at clearmywater@gmail.com or you can reach us 250-306-5803 and we’d be happy to help.

Proudly Serving the Okanagan Since 2005

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